QUEST Statutes

This is the English translation from the French original statutes, that has been approved by the General Assembly on the 17 November 2022. Download For more information, please reach out to Martina Paone: [email protected]

QUEST Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

This policy is here to inform any staff, volunteer, member, potential and formal project partner, as well as beneficiaries of QUEST’s activities (including schools, parents, teachers and children) about QUEST commitment and responsibility in : Ensuring the safe and healthy development of children through QUEST’s daily activities and within the scope of specific projects Guaranteeing […]

Research report: democratic education in schools (executive summary)

Democratic education is an educational philosophy that has existed since the end of the XIX century. It is grounded on two fundamental principles: SELF-DETERMINATION Children making primary decisions regarding their learning experiences, emphasising autonomy. DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITY PROCESSES Children learn to articulate their views, collaborate and negotiate agreements through democratic community processes in which each participant […]

Education in nature: the bedrock of our future

Education in nature is the bedrock of the European Union’s inclusive green transition – a green transition that needs to guarantee children’s rights and well-being while recognising education as essential towards its achievement.Without reconnecting children with nature, our common goals to reduce carbon emissions and protect biodiversity are meant to remain limited. Indeed, learning in […]

Outside Joint Report

This report outlines the results emerging from the desk and field research in the four partner countries: Italy, Croatia, Belgium, Lithuania.Before presenting a focus on each country’s result and a compared analysis from the four countries, the report briefly introduces what were the aims of the research and what has been the methodology put in […]

QUEST Activities Report 2023

The Activities Report 2023 was produced by QUEST team in December 2023 as key deliverable for the reporting of the Operating Grant “Civil Society Cooperation in the Education”, in the framework of the Single Grant Agreement 2023. The report has been Co-funded by the European Union. Download For more information, please reach out to Mia […]

BUSTA’s 6th and final newsletter!

The BUSTA project is unfortunately coming to an end soon however the results and the work accomplished by its partners will continue to be of benefit for many more years to come ! In this newsletter you can read more about what comes after BUSTA, the multiplier event in Bulgaria as well as the final […]


Feb 2022 – Feb 2024