January 2024

Hello! 🌞 January is already behind us, and maybe that would be a controversial opinion but it seems to us like it went so slowly! It all started with gathering together to do a brief overview from the past year and our 9-month journey in the office. As a result of this the communication circle […]

Facing local environmental challenges through children participation : the key to an inclusive green transition

Children, the new sustainable entrepreneurs Today, recurring news about climate change, natural disasters, biodiversity loss or heightened pollution pose a real risk to the well-being of children as they face greater uncertainty towards their future. To answer this challenge, learners’ active participation in finding solutions can make a difference. Participation indeed develops a feeling of […]

Outside Green Business Collection

The realization of the Collection containing the environmental promotion and sustainability projects carried out by the students had the following phases: 1. Creation of Open Communities of learning 2. Definition of environmental projects 3. Implementation of project-based learning activities in partner schools 4. OUTSIDE Transnational mobility of students in Croatia, Zagreb, September, 2022 5. The […]

SUVEMAE, Pioneer of Possibility

How a democratic ‘school in a school‘ in Tallinn could pave the way for transforming public education in Europe