A month has already passed since our arrival to Brussels.
The 17th of April, we, Mathilda, Agata, Sara and Marta, started our first day at QUEST. After an intense training week, we celebrated with a smokey party, together with other QUEST members.
We just had time to settle down and explore some of the amazing parks in town, before it was time to travel again. We packed our luggages and on the 2nd of May we travelled to Sofia (Bulgaria) for two exciting weeks. Our schedule was really full!
First, we took part in a BUSTA project meeting, and we saw for the first time how this works. It was an inspiring moment where we had the chance not only to learn, but also to contribute with our ideas and inputs.
We can’t wait for the next LTT in September because we are going to host it!

Then, we had the opportunity to visit Sofia’s Democratic School for a whole day. There, we observed and played with the children during their activities. It was so different from all we have experienced, and we came back with plenty of questions.
Finally, we participated in the Learning Teacher Training as part of the DESC project. For five days we met with this big group of visionaries, we exchanged ideas and learned more about the topic. What kind of Democratic Education training could it have been without games? We played and exercised precious skills on decision making, group dynamics and democratic education practices.