Wednesday 25th of October 16:30 – 17:30 PM
In 2019, the EU Commission proposed the creation of a European Education Area. An initiative to promote collaboration at the EU-level with the objective to build more resilient and inclusive education and training systems by 2030. To look back on the progress made so far and assess the next steps needed, the EU will host a Mid-term review of the European Education Area on October 10th.
Join us, on October 25th, to debrief on this EEA midterm review. QUEST will host an online session to recapitulate the key take-aways, and facilitate an expert panel discussion to talk through the achievements and failures of the EEA so far. An opportunity for you to learn more about the European Education Area, hear the different perspectives on the matter, and contribute to the discussion on how to collectively transform our education systems for the better.
This session is open to anyone active within the wider education and training community, or organisations and individuals advocating for better education. We welcome those with or without experience or knowledge on the European Education Area.

Key take-aways of the EEA mid-term review
Expert panel discussion
For more information, please reach out to Roxane Hoedemakers ([email protected])