This policy is here to inform any staff, volunteer, member, potential and formal project partner, as well as beneficiaries of QUEST’s activities (including schools, parents, teachers and children) about QUEST commitment and responsibility in :
- Ensuring the safe and healthy development of children through QUEST’s daily activities and within the scope of specific projects
- Guaranteeing that every child is free of harm, abuse, exploitation and neglect in any action within which QUEST, or anyone acting on behalf of QUEST is involved.
This policy will serve as the basis to ensure the safeguard and the promotion of children’s rights in regards to :
Any activity or project led by QUEST
Actions from QUEST’s associated partners within the framework of joint projects QUEST’s staff members and volunteers’ conduct towards children
QUEST’s members
Any individual’s conduct when acting on behalf of QUEST
Any individual’s conduct at events and activities organised by or falling under the responsibility of QUEST
More than informing, this policy sets the commitment of any individual or organisation acting on the behalf of QUEST to promote, guarantee and protect children’s rights within the scope of their work.

For more information, please reach out to Martina Paone: [email protected]