Posted on 26/01/2022
The YEAT project is on!
The first partners’ meeting took place in January 2022 near the beautiful Lanton, France, hosted by our partner Luck33. It gathered representatives of each partner organizations. We spend a couple of days getting to know each other, working hard on the project and exploring the local culture. Within the project a learning exchange event is organized in May 2022. The cooperation between the partners will result in the production of a YEAT Guidelines – a useful tool for everyone who is professionally involved in YEAT or just wants to learn more about it. That required planning and developing strategies by the partners that took place during the meeting.
In the free time we toured part of the Arcachon Bay, saw real oyster farms, and visited the The Great Dune of Pilat – Europe’s tallest sand dune. Part of our work on the project requires working with equine centers. We visited a local equine center where everyone was able to learn on field more about horses, equine care, training and communication.
Paint and Quarter Horse Foundation is the only entity in the partnership professionally involved with horses. Thanks to the preparatory work we did and the first project meeting all other partners now know more about equine-assisted therapy and start exploring its potential in the youth sector.

Official number of the project: 2021-1-BG01-KA220-YOU-000029078 ‘This project is funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects only the personal views of its author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for the use of the information contained therein.’