AI in Education : Navigating Opportunities and Risks in a Democratic Framework

The 21st century has brought us algorithms capable of organising our social interactions and Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems so intelligent they could (almost) write this article. Unsurprisingly, when they get involved in the learning process, they meet with both enthusiast defenders and worried critics, while users, policymakers, educators and researchers face up to its disruptive […]

YOU-CARE: Youth-Led Participatory Action Research (YPAR) Toolkit

“Nothing about us without us” Why this toolkit? Youth-led Participatory Action Research (YPAR) empowers young people with different trajectories to explore and address issues affecting their lives. As individuals or organisations working with/for youth it is crucial that we flip the script and ensure that the ones concerned construct their own stories and knowledge and […]


Dec 2024 – Sept 2027

Education and the digital space: tips and tools

Digital technologies increasingly populate our lives, and education makes no exception. Schools in the EU become ever more digitised, notably under the EU Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027). While this is a positive trend in many educational aspects, including the possibility to reach socio-economically disadvantaged children, it also poses new threats to children’s rights.   This […]

YGBN Toolkit: Youth with disabilities and health problems

What is the Youth Going Back to Nature project? The project ‘’Youth Going Back to Nature – Engage, Connect, Empower’’(YGBN) is dedicated to young people with fewer opportunities and environmentally sustainable outdoor activities. The aim of the project is to promote and contribute to reaching the EU Youth Goals set by young people in Europe. […]

Teacher shortages in the EU – Key numbers and facts

Fair pay for teachers protest – Ben Sutherland – Source: Flickr Teacher shortages, a worldwide problem Teacher shortages are a global phenomenon, and a worrying one. This year, following a report on the need to address teacher shortages and transform the profession, UNESCO raised a first alarm on the need for 44 million primary and […]

What’s missing for teachers in the EU?

For a long time, teachers have been recognised as key actors in the overall development, well-being and learning of children. In recent years, worrying signs of job dissatisfaction, work overload and teacher shortages have been striking across the EU, and are expected to worsen. The EU has now recognised its importance and started taking action. […]