BUSTA Impact Report and summaries in 5 languages!

The BUSTA impact report is now available on our website with a summary in five languages! The BUSTA project has been competed. All activities have been carried out in 3 countries, all learning exchange trips, all 3 project results have been finalized (the documentary, the impact report and the guidelines) and can be accessed through […]

The BUSTA guidelines are now available on our website

The BUSTA guidelines are now available on our website. This is where you will find the information you need, if you are a school,  an animal therapy organisation or a disability organisation, in order to reproduce these important skill development activities through training therapy animals. The BUSTA project is nearing completion. All activities have been carried out […]

The 5th BUSTA Newsletter is out!

Altogether let’s Build Skills through Training therapy Animals! The BUSTA project has been all around the world these past few months. From Lithuania to Nepal we will find out more about the festival “I am indifferent, what about You?” as well as the International Democratic Education Conference (IDEC). In plus, the partners have been busy […]

Sept-Dec 2023

Hello! The past four months of our project have passed so quickly, and we didn’t even have time to keep you updated! The conclusion of the year has been a roller coaster of new experiences and emotions since we arrived here. Let’s start from the beginning of September, though, when we last updated you, and […]

Impact Report: Building skills through training Therapy animals

The BUSTA (Building Skills through Training therapy Animals) project is a partnership project, financed by the European Union, between six organisations in three different countries – Belgium, Lithuania and Bulgaria. Three schools and three associations worked upon creating alternative school programs and educational approaches including activity sessions with therapy animals in the period of March […]

Guidelines: Building Skills through Training of therapy Animals

The BUSTA (Building Skills through Training therapy Animals) project is a partnership project, financed by the European Union, between six organisations in three different countries – Belgium, Lithuania and Bulgaria. Three schools and three associations worked upon creating alternative school programs and educational approaches including activity sessions with therapy animals in the period of March […]

Guidelines: Democratic Education in Nature

DEN (Democratic Education in Nature) is a European project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme (Key Action 2 – Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices). Responding to the needs of offering innovative pedagogical experiences promoting children’s environmental stewardship, active citizenship and promotion of inner motivation and talents, the project has the ambition to systematise […]

Workshop proceedings: Democratic Education in Nature

The Democratic Education in Nature consortium convened a cycle of workshops from the 2nd of February to the 23rd of February 2023 called “Democratic Education in Nature: putting quality education in practice”. The Workshop was held in virtual format. Four sessions, each 3 hours in length, brought together 50 participants live and other 70 who […]

Toolkit: Outside project

The “OUTSIDE Toolkit for TEACHERS: Environmental Education through Open- Schooling” is the first result of the Project. The main purpose of the Toolkit is to guide teachers in implementing the three steps of the OUTSIDE methodology. According to the needs identified and the gaps observed both during the desk and the field research, the OUTSIDE […]

Guidelines: Sociocracy in schools

SOCIS is a European project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme (Key Action – 210 – Small scale partnership cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices). The duration of the project is of 16 months, from 01/04/2022 to 31/07/2023 SOCIS is implemented by 2 European Countries (Belgium and Austria). The partnership is made up of […]