QUEST and CDE screened the documentary about the BUSTA project

The documentary about the project BUSTA was screened at the EUDEC 2023 conference, allowing us to jointly discuss the experience of students building soft skills through participation in training with therapy with dogs, horses, and dolphins in three different countries in Europe. The Democratic Education community organized a photography exhibition about the students experiences during […]

July 2023

We welcomed this month with a full office, as Martina, one of our two coordinators, joined us for a fulfilling and challenging couple of weeks. It was the opportunity to talk about how everything is going so far, meet the future policy and project officers at QUEST (!), and organise the coming summer months which […]

June 2023

After an eventful few weeks, we are back with plenty to report!  June started with the famous on-arrival training organised by our national agency (JINT). We spent a week in a beautiful venue one hour south of Brussels, together with other 30 ESC volunteers working all around Belgium. Various activities were set up with the […]

QUEST attends the movie challenge screening at CDE school in Sofia

Following the 2 days of BUSTA meetings, the QUEST team, with it’s 4 European Solidarity Corps volunteers, had the opportunity to join the students at the Community of Democratic Education at their school. This was a special day, as the whole community gathered for a screening of the results of a student’s movie-making challenge. As […]

BUSTA Transnational Project Meeting in Sofia

All partners from Belgium, Bulgaria, and Lithuania have gathered in Sofia the 3rd and 4th of May for 3rd and 4th of May for the project’s midterm TPM. We have reviewed the progress of the video documentary (PR1),  the Impact Report (PR2) and set the structure of the Guidelines (PR3). Our next step will be the […]

May 2023

A month has already passed since our arrival to Brussels. The 17th of April, we, Mathilda, Agata, Sara and Marta, started our first day at QUEST. After an intense training week, we celebrated with a smokey party, together with other QUEST members.  We just had time to settle down and explore some of the amazing […]

Meeting one final time for the YEAT project, to further boost the YEAT Guidelines!

The end of #YEAT project, organised with partners PQHF (Bulgaria), Сдружение ЗА ТЕБ (Bulgaria), QUEST (Belgium) and Creativi108 (Italy). We had our last meeting to summarise the results of project and discuss the feedback received after the multiplier event and the release of the Guidelines. What is Equine Assisted Therapy? What needs does it address? […]