A protected democracy is a practiced one
How children’s participation in school can strengthen democracy in the EUA printable A5 leaflet Download For more information, please reach out to Martina Paone: [email protected]
Commissioners’ Hearings: A questionable portrayal of children
The hearings of designated commissioners before members of the European Parliament were held in the previous weeks, touching on key challenges faced by the European Union. The presentation of the agendas for the upcoming mandate demonstrated candidate commissioners’ commitment to fostering a more prosperous, equal, and democratic Union. In an era marked by the erosion […]
Teacher shortages in the EU – Key numbers and facts
Fair pay for teachers protest – Ben Sutherland – Source: Flickr Teacher shortages, a worldwide problem Teacher shortages are a global phenomenon, and a worrying one. This year, following a report on the need to address teacher shortages and transform the profession, UNESCO raised a first alarm on the need for 44 million primary and […]
What’s missing for teachers in the EU?
For a long time, teachers have been recognised as key actors in the overall development, well-being and learning of children. In recent years, worrying signs of job dissatisfaction, work overload and teacher shortages have been striking across the EU, and are expected to worsen. The EU has now recognised its importance and started taking action. […]
Educational Futures: Insights from OECD’s Past and Present Scenarios
Download For more information, please reach out to Martina Paone: [email protected]
What does the new European Agenda mean for education?
In June 2024, the European Council enacted its Strategic Orientations for 2024-2029, which as described in a previous article pave the way for EU legislation for the next 5 years. Presenting three key objectives for the EU (A free and democratic Europe; A strong and secure Europe; A prosperous and competitive Europe), these guidelines fall short […]
A simplified look at the results
From the 6th to the 9th of June 2024, Europeans went to the polls to elect their new representatives. In total, 185 million votes were casted in 27 counties, out of 359 million eligible voters, for the 10th EU Parliament elections since the first elections of 1979. While life doesn’t always keep us close to […]
Why are the EU elections so important?
National legislations, promoting or restricting cutting-edge education, can be highly inspired by laws passed at the EU-level. These laws are shaped by political representatives that we elect every 5 years, and so does the strategic orientation of the EU change. But what does it actually mean? And how does it work? The Institutional Triangle : […]
Rights, equality, citizenship and values programmes (REC, EfC and CERV) – evaluation report
QUEST’s answer to the European CommissionAnswered on the 20th of June, 2024 Download For more information, please reach out to Martina Paone: [email protected]
Creative Europe programmes – evaluation
QUEST’s answer to the European CommissionAnswered on the 18th of July, 2024 Download For more information, please reach out to Martina Paone: [email protected]