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Friday 3rd of May 2024 at 3-5 PM 

QUEST, together with Albero della Tuscía and IC Carducci – Busca is organising a Member Forum on Democratic Education in Cuneo, Italy. It is an opportunity for Italian-speaking members to discover practices and workshops from the DESC teacher training and learn about democratic principles in education.


  • Martina Paone (QUEST)

What is democratic education and how to apply it in traditional schools

  • Davide Antonio Martini (IC Carducci – Busca)

The Model of Senza Zaino as a democratic practice

  • Matteo Sturlese (Albero della Tuscía)

Libertarian education in Italy

  • Aurelia Bachmann (Albero della Tuscía)

Presentation of the training on democratic education

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