Climate Pact Ambassadors’ Recommendations for the new EU Agenda 2024-2029

Why this document?

Six Belgium Climate Pact Ambassadors have gathered their thoughts and recommendations in this document to inspire the EU Commission’s next 2024-2029 agenda, in the hope to see it reflect citizens’ needs, the reduction of inequalities as well as the preservation of natural resources and planetary boundaries as an utmost priority. To this effect, we aim to bring our expertise to the service of ambitious and equitable climate and environmental policies.

What is the Climate Pact?

The European Climate Pact is a movement of people united around a common cause, each taking steps in their own worlds to build a more sustainable Europe. Launched by the European Commission, the Pact is part of the European Green Deal and is helping the EU to meet its goal to become climate-neutral by 2050. European Climate Pact Ambassadors and Partners are selected by the European Commission to inform, inspire and support climate policy and action in their own communities and networks.

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