DEN project mission is to systematize and disseminate a new developing educational and pedagogical approach that bridges Education in Nature with Democratic Education, we call it Democratic Education in Nature- DEN) in order to promote children’s inner motivation and talents, active citizenship and environmental stewardship.
- To promote the professionalization of organizations and schools already practicing this pedagogical approach.
- To create an exchange of competencies of European school/organizations interested in improving their competences.
- To promote Democratic Education in Nature in traditional schools and organizations not familiar with these concepts yet.
- To foster change in education policy development.
- Research: an innovative study to investigate features, benefits and implications of Democratic Education in Nature in European schools. Scientific research will be done using questionnaires, literature review and focus groups to gather information about the application, needs and benefits of Democratic Education in the three partner countries. A Research Report will be published.
- Workshop: four free online seminars to spread the knowledge about Democratic Education in Nature;
- Guidelines: written recommendation to how to apply Democratic Education in Nature to help schools using this approach, activating a process of democratization and inclusion of nature in education.
(15 months)
target groups
Public Schools, Democratic Schools, Forest Schools and Schools in Nature, educational organizations that work with and for youth, teachers, youth workers.
This project is under the KA2 COOPERATION PARTNERSHIP PROJECT n° 2021-2-BE02-KA210-SCH-000051555 call
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.