Outside Joint Report

This report outlines the results emerging from the desk and field research in the four partner countries: Italy, Croatia, Belgium, Lithuania.
Before presenting a focus on each country’s result and a compared analysis from the four countries, the report briefly introduces what were the aims of the research and what has been the methodology put in place to investigate the state of the art in outdoor learning, environmental education and sustainable entrepreneurship.

The research has been indeed divided into two phases: desk research and field research. During the desk research phase partners were requested to fill in a questionnaire about the state of the art and the available resources in the field.
The second phase of the research described in this document presents the results from the field research where partners involved local stakeholders and students to investigate the current offer in sustainable entrepreneurship and the training needs.

The compared analysis of both desk research and field research is presented in this report and it constitutes the basis for the design of Training Modules and training Toolkit for teachers.

For more information, please reach out to Martina Paone: [email protected]

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