YOU-CARE: from preoccupation to participation

Meet the YOU-CARE project addressing eco-anxiety in youth Despite recent breakthroughs, the current and future effects of climate change on mental health remain underappreciated and under-studied. Young people are the most affected, and there is an urgent need to deploy spaces where they can play an active part in researching and grasping the diverse emotions […]

Facing local environmental challenges through children participation : the key to an inclusive green transition

Children, the new sustainable entrepreneurs Today, recurring news about climate change, natural disasters, biodiversity loss or heightened pollution pose a real risk to the well-being of children as they face greater uncertainty towards their future. To answer this challenge, learners’ active participation in finding solutions can make a difference. Participation indeed develops a feeling of […]

Education in nature: the bedrock of our future

Education in nature is the bedrock of the European Union’s inclusive green transition – a green transition that needs to guarantee children’s rights and well-being while recognising education as essential towards its achievement.Without reconnecting children with nature, our common goals to reduce carbon emissions and protect biodiversity are meant to remain limited. Indeed, learning in […]