Outside Green Business Collection

The realization of the Collection containing the environmental promotion and sustainability projects carried out by the students had the following phases: 1. Creation of Open Communities of learning 2. Definition of environmental projects 3. Implementation of project-based learning activities in partner schools 4. OUTSIDE Transnational mobility of students in Croatia, Zagreb, September, 2022 5. The […]

Outside Joint Report

This report outlines the results emerging from the desk and field research in the four partner countries: Italy, Croatia, Belgium, Lithuania.Before presenting a focus on each country’s result and a compared analysis from the four countries, the report briefly introduces what were the aims of the research and what has been the methodology put in […]

Toolkit: Outside project

The “OUTSIDE Toolkit for TEACHERS: Environmental Education through Open- Schooling” is the first result of the Project. The main purpose of the Toolkit is to guide teachers in implementing the three steps of the OUTSIDE methodology. According to the needs identified and the gaps observed both during the desk and the field research, the OUTSIDE […]


May 2023 – Nov 2025